3 sections Chestnut Hiking Staff
3 Sections Chestnut Wood hiking staff. Made in England by experienced craftsman. For LAB Collector Hong Kong ONLY. Fitted with a Combi-spike ferrule (a metal ferrule for use on soft or gritty ground, with a rubber ferrule that can be fitted over it for use on hard ground)
Material: Chestnut wood
Length: each section around 40cm, Overall height around 120cm
Weight: 550g
製作期需要2年半。是英國工匠們的心血技術結晶。特別於英國訂製的 3 sections Chestnut wood hiking staff。樹木以傳統的可持續方法coppicing種植。之後需要天然風乾兩年,令木質堅硬。再交給工匠以蒸氣將樹枝拉直。這步驟十分重要和困難,因為工匠需因應不同情況處理。之後就會將適合製作3 sections hiking staff的木材選出。因為需配合金屬部件,所以每枝的誤差不可超過1mm。再將之打磨,經過一段時間,Chestnut wood 3 sections hiking staff終於製成。